Title 4 BASIC On-premise
Course overview
Title 4 basic liquor training is designed to promote the legal and responsible sale and service of alcoholic beverages in the state of Arizona. This course is required for employees of on-premise liquor-licensed establishments, including restaurants, bars, cafés, and any venue selling alcohol for consumption on-site.
23 Videos
24 Quizzes
1 Certificate
This online training is for anyone selling alcoholic beverages in a store or serving drinks in a restaurant or bar. The training course focuses on the techniques to recognize intoxication and how to intervene in those situations to keep your customers and your business safe. Also covers minors and alcohol, ID checking, and the laws specific to Arizona.
Founder & CEO
Lauren Merret
Learn from the liquor experts, and they will teach you with the most relevant content based on their vast experience throughout the years on the industry.