Title 4 BASIC Off-premise

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Course overview
As an owner, agent, or manager, you’re required to complete an approved Basic alcohol training to maintain compliance with Arizona liquor law.  This course is necessary for employees of off-premise liquor-licensed establishments, such as grocery stores, convenience stores, and drug stores, which sell alcohol for consumption off the premises.
  • 16 Videos 
  • 17 Quizzes
  • 1 Certificate 

You’ll learn about a variety of topics, such as checking ID cards, how to recognize when someone’s had too much to drink. Plus, the course covers Arizona-specific laws and regulations, like hours of sales and payments, management policies, and service limitations for alcoholic beverages.

Founder & CEO

Lauren Merret

Learn from the liquor experts, and they will teach you with the most relevant content based on their vast experience throughout the years on the industry.
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